Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Moving Forward

Time to move forward, to think of the future. These two Tweets give me perspective and remind me to have hope.

"No one has ever lived in the best possible world"—true. The best way to get there? Not judgment, not anger, not frustration (though I am feeling a lot of those things right now). Education. Talking about situations and people that we might never face. 

I do various types of volunteer work for the Literacy & Social Responsibility SIG (Special Interest Group) and also the Children's Literature and Reading SIG of the International Literacy Association. These SIGs give awards to books focusing on social justice, diversity, and inclusion. Please take some time to print lists of Social Justice Literature Award winners and Notable Books for a Global Society lists. Go to your library and ask for these books. Read them aloud to your students and to your own children.

Take another look at the map of "how the future voted." Yes, let's "keep the flame alight."

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