Monday, August 19, 2013

Take Part in Make-a-Park-Day!

In hundreds of cities all over the world, and . . . maybe your town, too (thanks to you)? . . . September 20th is Park(ing) Day. It might seem a long time away, but if you want a free permit, you probably need to apply by . . . like . . . next week (EEK!)! Here's the Seattle application as an example; you could show it to your city hall if you want to start this in your town.

Take a turn at urban planning and get your neighbors thinking! Maybe you'll inspire a whole group of you to create a permanent park!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Twelve Years Old!

This 12-year-old boy in Egypt has some strong opinions—the result of what seems to be a lot of reading, researching, listening, talking, and thinking. In this video, I felt that I was being introduced to a future world leader.

If you are a parent or teacher, watch this with your kids and talk about how they can become more informed about politics.

If only we all cared this much about our government!

Mid-August Update: as you probably have seen on the news, Egypt is in a state of chaos. Each week seems worse. So many deaths, so much destruction. I hope that the young man in this video is safe and keeping his faith in the power of positive change.